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Recovering From Water Damage After Your Dishwasher Leaks | SERVPRO of Huntington

5/11/2024 (Permalink)

Front view of open automatic stainless steel built-in fully integrated top control dishwasher No matter the size of the leak, SERVPRO of Huntington is ready to help in a moment's notice to restore your home to preloss condition.

Dealing with water damage from a leaking dishwasher can be a major headache for homeowners. However, with the right approach and professional assistance, you can navigate the restoration process smoothly and restore your home to its pre-leak condition. 

Here’s what to do if your dishwasher betrays you and leaves you with a major mess: 

Assess the Damage
The first step in recovering from water damage caused by a dishwasher leak is to assess the extent of the damage. Start by identifying the source of the leak and turning off the dishwasher’s water supply to prevent further flooding.

Then, inspect the affected areas, including the floor, cabinets and walls, for signs of water damage such as warping, discoloration or mold growth. Take photos or videos of the damage for insurance purposes.

Start the Drying Process
After you have assessed the situation, get us on the phone so we can get started on your restoration. We will ask all kinds of questions to help us understand your situation and then we will be on our way to you to help tackle your recovery. 

While you wait for us to arrive, make sure that your family is safe by blocking off the area and by turning electricity off to any affected rooms. 

Open some windows and turn on some fans as well to help start the drying process while you wait for us to get there. You should also use caution when moving around your home as even just a small amount of water can cause serious damage to your floorboards and walls, leaving you vulnerable to injury. 

Restoration With SERVPRO®

Recovering from water damage can be a daunting task, but you don't have to do it alone. SERVPRO of Huntington is here to help every step of the way. Our team of highly trained professionals has the expertise and equipment to handle water damage of any size or scope.

From water extraction and drying to mold remediation and restoration, we’ll work quickly and efficiently to get your home back to normal. With our 24/7 emergency response, you can trust that help is just a phone call away, no matter the time of day or night.

Dealing with a dishwasher leak? Call SERVPRO of Huntington right away for quick restoration assistance.

Top Reasons House Fires Start in the Winter Season | SERVPRO of Huntington

5/11/2024 (Permalink)

Feet in wool socks near fireplace in winter time Keep you and yours safe this holiday season with some fire safety tips from SERVPRO of Huntington.

Winter in Huntington brings chilly temperatures and cozy nights by the fireplace. However, it also brings an increased risk of house fires. Understanding the common causes of winter fires can help you protect your home and loved ones.

Learn along with us about the top most common reasons for house fires in our community even when the temperature drops below freezing. 

Heating Systems
One of the leading causes of house fires in the winter is heating systems. Furnaces, space heaters and fireplaces work overtime to keep homes warm, but they can also pose a fire hazard if not used properly.

Old or poorly maintained furnaces can malfunction, leading to fires. It’s essential to have your furnace inspected and serviced regularly by a qualified professional. Additionally, ensure there’s proper ventilation around the furnace and keep flammable materials away.

Space heaters are convenient for heating specific areas, but they can be dangerous if not used correctly. Keep space heaters at least three feet away from flammable objects like curtains, furniture and bedding. Never leave them unattended or plugged in overnight.

Cooking Accidents
Winter is the season for hearty soups, roasts and baked treats, but it’s also a time when cooking-related fires are more common.

With holiday gatherings and busy schedules, it’s easy to get distracted while cooking. Unattended stove tops or ovens can quickly lead to fires. Always stay in the kitchen while cooking, especially when using the stove or broiler.

Frying foods like latkes or chicken can lead to grease fires if not handled properly. Never throw water on a grease fire, as it can cause the flames to spread. Instead, cover the pan with a lid or use a fire extinguisher specifically rated for grease fires.

Candles and Electrical Issues
It’s warm inside, it’s cozy and it’s time for candles. Candle use spikes in the winter season, but that also is part of the reason why house fires spike as well during this time of year. Keep wicks trimmed and never leave a candle to burn in an empty room. Blow out candles before you walk out of a room or bring it with you so you can keep an eye on it. 

Electrical malfunctions are also more common in the winter. Avoid overloading your outlets to help avoid starting a serious fire and never leave your phone to charge on a soft surface or in an area that isn’t easily ventilated, like under your pillow.

By being aware of these common causes of house fires in the winter, you can take proactive steps to prevent them and keep your home safe. Stay warm, stay vigilant and have a happy and fire-safe winter season!

We are here to help you overcome fire damage! Contact SERVPRO of Huntington for quick assistance.

We Put Your Business First | SERVPRO of North Huntington

2/21/2024 (Permalink)

interior of a flooded warehouse with goods floating in water. Has your business been hit by an unexpected disaster? SERVPRO of North Huntington is Here to Help®. Call us today!

Being part of the Long Island community is great, but being part of the Huntington community in particular is a wonderful thing. There is so much to love about this area including the people, the sights and, of course, the amazing businesses.

We know that our community wouldn’t be half as great without all of the arts opportunities, entertainment venues, restaurants and services that are available to us. However, we also know how much work it takes to run a successful business nowadays. 

That’s why we are proud to offer our full restoration and cleaning services to the businesses and commercial properties in the area. Read on to learn more about the different commercial services that we provide. 

Restoration Services

We are well-known for our top-notch restoration services following disasters, and we are here for you if a disaster occurs at your business. We can handle everything from a flooded warehouse caused by a heavy rain to a damaged shop after a fire breaks out. Recovering quickly can help minimize losses and uncertainty for you and for your staff. 

No business can survive being closed for too long, which is why your property becomes our priority as soon as you call us. We are trained in large-loss recovery, and we will create a specific plan tailored to your building’s unique needs. We have worked with office spaces, hospitals, universities, stadiums and small storefronts, and we can confidently work with your building, too. 

Cleaning Services

The best part of owning a business is all of the cleaning and maintenance tasks that you have to do, right? Just kidding. We know that these tasks are a less-glamorous part of business ownership, which is why we would love to take them off of your hands for you. 

We can deep-clean your carpets, remove stubborn odors and even handle your air duct cleaning when you need it done.

We can also simply come out to your business regularly for general cleaning. Routine cleanings remove dirt, grime and allergens that can impact the health and safety of your staff and customers, so let us handle it for you so you can focus on other aspects of your growing business. 

The Less-Than-Pleasant Cleaning Tasks

Our team can even help you overcome time sensitive situations like mold or hazardous substances. Mold can grow quickly and can impact your indoor air quality and even become a health hazard over time. We will contain the area, and our mold remediation team will get to work cleaning and sanitizing your space right away. 

If the unexpected occurs and you are left with a dangerous or hazardous situation on your hands, our team can handle that, too. We have the training and safety gear to clean up substances like bloodborne pathogens, crime scene residue and sewage leaks.

No matter what happens, our crew is here to help you overcome disaster and to handle any cleaning needs you have. Consider us trusted partners in your business! 

Do you run a business or commercial property in town? SERVPRO of North Huntington is here for all of your restoration and cleaning needs. 

Steps for Staying Safe After a Storm | SERVPRO of North Huntington

11/21/2023 (Permalink)

Storm damage. Roof damage from tree that fell over during hurricane storm Has a recent storm left your home in catastrophe? Call SERVPRO of North Huntington today! We are here to restore your house.

We are all aware of the threat of storms for our community no matter what time of year it is. Strong summer storms can easily build and whip across the bay area, winter storms can pop up and take us by surprise, and coastal storms or even hurricanes can blow through town and leave all kinds of damage in their wake.

While preventing storms isn’t possible, there are things you can do to stay safe before, during and after a storm to protect yourself and your family from danger or possible injury. 

Before the Storm

Start preparing your home and family as soon as a weather alert is issued. We will often have a little bit of preparation time before the storm hits, so take advantage of every minute. 

Clean up your yard and remove any hazards that could potentially be picked up by a strong wind and turned into a projectile. Tie down belongings that can’t be moved inside like your patio furniture, grills and propane tanks. 

You should also take a quick look at your gutter system, and be sure that your downspouts aren’t clogged and are pointing away from your house. After that, head inside and close your windows and doors, locking your storm shutters if you have them. Battening down the hatches can help you avoid water damage and structural damage if the wind blows debris into your windows. 

During the Storm

Head for shelter while the storm is overhead, and don’t come out until you are 100% sure the threat has passed. Choose an interior room on your lowest level that is far away from windows and gather your entire family there. Don’t forget to grab your pets, your emergency kit and weather radio!

Stay tuned in to the current weather conditions and be sure the entire storm system has passed before going outside. It is important to remember that while one system has passed through, another one may be on the near horizon. 

After the Storm

Depending on the severity and path of the storm, you could be dealing with some significant structural damage to your home and property. Use extreme caution when walking around your home as loose floorboards, broken nails or other hazards could be lurking just out of sight.  

If your home has suffered damage that left rooms of your home exposed to the elements, lay out tarps or set out buckets to help secure your home while you are waiting for us to arrive. We will do this step more extensively when we get there, but any little bit helps. 

You should also take as many photos as possible of the damage because having fresh images will help your insurance claim process go much smoother. 

Our storm damage restoration team will arrive quickly to secure your home and get to work. We will remove excess water and tackle repairs right away. Our goal is to return your home to its preloss condition as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Lean on us when disaster strikes, and we will take care of you. 

Strong storms can lead to serious home damage. Our team at SERVPRO of North Huntington can help you recover.

What to Do When the Rain Comes Pouring In | SERVPRO of North Huntington

10/2/2023 (Permalink)

dark gray cloudy sky with heavy rain droplets pouting in front of it Don't let water damage hurt your space, call SERVPRO of North Huntington for a fast response to your needs!

A soft spring rain, a severe summer thunderstorm, or a fierce fall coastal storm or hurricane can drum up all kinds of water issues for your home and property. While the rain may be a welcome respite from otherwise humid or unpleasant conditions, it can also bring a deluge of water into your home that leaves you with a lot of damage and just as many questions.

While Mother Nature is unpredictable and you can’t completely prevent water issues from occurring, you can certainly be proactive in checking for signs of leaking or water troubles before they become bigger problems.

Our SERVPRO of North Huntington explains more about tracking down a rainwater leak below, so check it out so be prepared for the next big storm.

<h3and-door-leaks">Wind and Door Leaks

Anywhere that is connected to the outside and the elements has the potential to cause water leaks. If your home is older, chances are that your windows and doors have seen better days. Over time, windows can sag or even shrink against their window panes or cracks can appear along seals. The same goes for doors, and leaks can get up under door jambs and cause rot and mold growth.

The best way to reduce the risk of a leak around your windows and doors is to check these spaces often. Water spots or persistent moisture on your window ledge during a storm can indicate an emerging problem. Taking action quickly is key and you should consider fully replacing them or upgrading the seals.

<h3rooftop">Your Rooftop

Another common location for water leaks is up on your roof. Since our roofs are the first line of defense when it comes to rain, they take on the burden of moving water down and away from our home. A single missing or broken shingle or gap along the roofline can invite a ton of water into your attic that will eventually leak and seep down the walls in your living spaces. Leaks can also occur around skylights or recessed lighting cans.

In addition, a clogged gutter can also force water to back up and pool on your roof, which can eventually force its way into your home and cause more watery chaos. Checking on your roof after every heavy wind or strong storm can help you catch any emerging issues right away so you can deal with them promptly.

<h3basement">Your Basement

Basements are notorious for experiencing water issues or floods, but that should be no surprise since they are constantly surrounded by moisture in the ground. If the rain gets heavy enough, it can saturate the earth and start to pool around your foundation. Sump pumps can help keep most of this water at bay, but sometimes it can just be too much and water will start to leak into your space.

If this happens every time it rains, it may be worth considering a professional yard grading. Moving dirt and earth to angle away from your home allows gravity to work with your home instead of against it.

Water damage can happen at any time for any reason, which is why our water damage restoration specialists are here to help. We will dry up the excess water, address repairs and handle any reconstruction needs that your home has as fast as possible.

Water damage can be extensive following a storm or other incident. Contact us right away at SERVPRO of North Huntington

How to Prevent House Fires | SERVPRO of North Huntington

10/2/2023 (Permalink)

residential rancher style home engulfed in flames Have you been affected by a fire disaster? Call SERVPRO of North Huntington to restore your space back to preloss conditions!

Understanding the dangers and prevention methods for house fires is essential for avoiding the costly damage they can cause.

Naturally, the best method to stay safe against house fires is through keeping smoke alarms operational, but there are many other ways homeowners can avoid a fire starting around the house.

The Frequency of House Fires

Many people do not fully grasp the risk house fires can pose and how often they occur. The National Fire Protection Association reports that every 24 seconds, a house fire occurs, meaning there are a shocking number of fires each day.

Cooking is the leading cause of house fires, but there are many other causes that can spark a flame.

Steps to Prevent House Fires

Because fire is so powerful, one simple mistake can lead to a full-on house fire if one is not careful. The best thing to do is to learn about house fire prevention steps to keep flames at bay:

Test smoke alarms. Though the hope is that one will never have to use a smoke alarm, it is important that they are working in case the need arises. Perform monthly battery checks and replace them every 10 years.

Prevent dryer lint buildup. Dryer trays can hold an excessive amount of lint, which provides the perfect combustible material if allowed to collect. After each load, clean out the tray to avoid combustion from the dryer’s heat.

Keep an eye on flames. Because most of us use flames every day for candles, cooking and more, it can be easy to forget the risk they can cause. It is best to not leave flames unattended.

Keep cables in good condition. Electrical cables and household wires should be inspected frequently and replaced if fraying is found.

Protect household supplies. Because many household supplies contain flammable materials and come in aerosol cans, it is best to keep these products away from heat sources or direct sunlight.

If your home has suffered damage from a house fire, give us a call. We are certified in fire and soot remediation, and here to help 247.

Preventing Damage Before Floodwaters Rise | SERVPRO of North Huntington

6/22/2023 (Permalink)

Bright kitchen with white tiled floor covered in a sheet of rippling water Summer storms and hurricane season means flooding for Long Island. Call SERVPRO of Huntington to get your home or business back to preloss condition.

With flooding involved in 90% of natural disasters, even homeowners who do not consider themselves “at risk” for a flood should know how to prepare should the need arise.

Stopping Flood Damage Before It Starts

There is no way to halt a natural disaster or stop the floodwaters from rising in your home, but with a bit of advanced planning, homeowners can greatly lessen the damage they sustain:

Know your risk. Using a tool such as the FEMA Flood Map Tool will help you understand what your risks are relative to your location, so you can plan ahead better for all types of scenarios.

Turn off electricity. When it comes to electricity and water, it is better to be safe than to be sorry. Cut off power to all affected areas of the house to reduce the risk of electric shock.

Discuss emergency procedures. Ensure all members of the household understand how to cut off the electricity and locate emergency supplies if necessary.

Elevate valuables. Precious items or irreplaceable documents should be elevated and stored out of the way of the water. Considering a safety deposit box at a local bank might also be wise.

Anchor propane and fuel tanks. A tipped fuel tank can lead to water pollution or even fires if the conditions are right. Anchor fuel tanks solidly to your home or the ground in order to prevent them from getting swept away.

Keeping your home and family safe is most important in the event of a disaster. By taking advance precautions and understanding evacuation procedures ahead of time, homeowners can help to protect their home from extensive water damage and protect their family from danger as well.

If you’ve experienced water damage due to a flood or other causes, SERVPRO of North Huntington is Here to Help®. Our technicians are fully trained in water remediation, and our 247 Emergency Line means we’ll be there for you when you call.

Hiding Spots Where Water Can Accumulate | SERVPRO® of North Huntington

5/19/2023 (Permalink)

 img src =”water” alt = "a small water leak slowly spreading out from under a kitchen appliance ” > Water damage can happen anywhere in your home or business. Call SERVPRO of North Huntington to help when water damage strikes.

It is not always the case that water damage occurs only after heavy rains. There are a variety of reasons water damage can occur, and they can often manifest in covert areas of a home.

The complications that come with discovering water damage are compounded by its cost. There are many insurance policies that do not accept water damage claims, but for the ones that do, the typical claim is well above $6,000. Being aware of the hidden spots water where water damage can accumulate is wise for homeowners so they can get ahead of the issues.

Where Water Damage Can Hide

  • Below windows. The exterior seal of a window and wall can become weathered, allowing water to seep into the wall unnoticed.

  • Behind siding. Siding panels overlap at various points around the house, which are where they can be susceptible to leaking.

  • Below thresholds. Most thresholds have a metal plate at their base, but these are not typically sealed against the elements. If the door is often exposed to weathering, water can eventually seep through to the wood.

  • Under exterior paint. Windowsills and deck railings are often painted repeatedly, which creates small gaps that water can seep through.

  • Behind the dishwasher. The dishwasher’s cubby is rarely inspected, and can harbor water damage from leaky seals or hoses.

  • Inside the walls. Water pipes that are leaky can cause water to seep into the walls, especially near sinks and tubs.

  • Under an unsteady toilet. The seal around the base of a toilet can begin to leak, often going unnoticed until the floor becomes unsteady due to the damage.

If your home has suffered water damage (even in a hidden place like one of these), we are happy to help! Give us a call right away, and we’ll get there quickly.

Ways you can help protect your property from damaging winds

9/1/2022 (Permalink)

There are a number of ways you can help protect your property from damaging winds. Some are listed below, but keep the “Two R’s” in mind: reinforce and remove.

  • Have your garage door reinforced by a professional.

  • Remove or anchor loose items on your property that could be blown around and tossed by the wind. This includes trash cans, grills and outdoor furniture.

  • Hire a professional to remove any large or dying trees and branches that could be blown over onto your home.

We don’t always receive advanced notice about straight-line or damaging winds. But, as we all know, being proactive with some of the above preventive items may help to protect you from damage. Also, if you are building a new home or renovating an older home, make sure that the windows, walls and doors meet the building codes for you area.

If your home has been hit by damaging winds and has water damage as a result, our highly trained specialists here at SERVPRO of Huntington are here 247 to help with all your cleanup, restoration and construction needs.

Flooding and storm damage requires professional cleaning services

9/1/2022 (Permalink)

After a flood or storm related water damage, your affected home will require professional cleaning services.

SERVPRO of Huntington is here to help! In addition to professionally drying and cleaning your home's structure, we can often salvage and clean your furniture, clothing, and other restorable belongings damaged by storm water. Most flooding and water damages require odor removal because wet materials have a very strong and distinct odor that will not go away without professional products. Depending on the scenario, we will use antimicrobial, antibacterial, or disinfectant treatments. 

Our goal is to return all areas and items (when possible) to pre flood or storm condition. We will do all we can during the process to make it "Like it never even happened." SERVPRO of Huntington restores the property and the lives of our customers!